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About our disclaimer

This website has the sole purpose to provide information about Gispen Nederland B.V. – and the related group entities – and her products. The information is ought to be reliable, but can be amended or withdrawn at any time without any notification. Errors and incompleteness may occur. The information on this website is provided by Gispen Nederland B.V. without any (implicit) guarantee considering the correctness, completeness and/or appropriateness thereof.

By visiting this website you agree with this disclaimer, as well as that Gispen Nederland B.V. will not be liable for any damage following by – amongst others – errors and incompleteness in the provided information, the use of by Gispen Nederland B.V. provided information on this website, advices, ideas, and/or materials and/or the use of information or materials of websites related to this website, or websites referenced to via a hyperlink or otherwise.

Further to this, Gispen Nederland B.V. does not accept any liability for any damage caused by or linked to providing information through internet, or inherent to providing information on the internet, like malfunctions or interruptions of errors or delays in providing information or services by Gispen Nederland B.V. through this website or via another electronic way.

All copyrights and other intellectual property rights in connection to the information that this website contains in all its sections are the property of Gispen Nederland B.V. or are included with the approval of the relevant owner. It is not permitted to publish the website or parts of it, to copy it or save, without the explicit approval of Gispen Nederland B.V. in writing. This approval is not required for personal, not commercial use.



Our Disclaimer can be amended at all times by us. You will find the most recent version on this page. This version is last revised on June 6, 2018.