The head office of Swinkels Family Brewers is located in Lieshout. A footbridge connects the building with the breweries and malting plants on the company grounds. HR, Finance, IT, Procurement, Sales, Communication, Innovation and the Facilities & Construction office; they are all accommodated in the head office. Fabiènne van Thiel-Swinkels, Head of Facilities & Construction: “Approximately 250 employees work here in total, occupying both personal and agile workstations. In addition, colleagues regularly fly in from our other branches in Belgium, Ethiopia and France.” The original design of the building has already made it a natural meeting place for people; meeting up at the bar in the central, open atrium for example. However, the colour schemes no longer matched with the company's new corporate identity. Fabiènne: “The most dominant colour was blue previously – ‘Bavaria blue’ – but in recent years we have added many brands to our beer portfolio. In addition, the building was once designed for 180 employees; today we have to accommodate 250 to 260 people. It was getting crowded – which affects the atmosphere and work experience.”