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Fontys   landscapem

Sustainability and circularity are very important to Fontys University of Applied Sciences, which were the key requirements for the furniture of the three newly-constructed buildings at Rachelsmolen Campus in Eindhoven. Working closely together with other involved parties, Gispen furnished 26,000 square metres with circular and multifunctional furniture. 'It was an intense and dynamic project with a stunning result,' recalls Eline de Groot, housing project manager at Fontys University of Applied Sciences.  

Circular interior

Every circular piece of furniture that we delivered to Rachelsmolen Campus comes with a raw materials passport. Bas de Jong, Gispen account manager: 'This provides insight into the circularity of the furniture item, substantiating how the product is built up. Take the NOMI chair, for example: a sustainable shell made of recycled plastic. The shell and frame can be separated and are therefore easy to replace. The removable cover is washable and you can even leave it off for a new look.' Eline de Groot: 'Over the past ten years, we have built a good relationship with Gispen and have come up with effective sustainability procedures together. We were working on circular furnishings for our school buildings long before it became a thing in the market.'

Essential project management

'For a new construction project like this to succeed, you can't really do without a Gispen project manager,' Eline de Groot explains. 'A dedicated manager who knows how to plan things and work with other suppliers. We often got together to fine-tune the schedule and tackle issues to ultimately guarantee a successful result. There are so many steps to take into account in a new construction project of this scale; a project manager who keeps track of everything is simply a must.’

Custom solutions

New construction also involves custom solutions. There are a number of permanent partners that Gispen works with for this. Bas de Jong: 'Het Woud designed one of the eyecatchers of the building. If you look up from the ground floor and peer along the steps to the second floor, you will see a beautiful tree that shines and rotates with the sunlight. Het Woud engineered the turntable and planters for the tree and built one large bench around it.' Partner McArt was responsible for all the signage in the building, based on Silo's design. 'By doing so, we were able to offer Fontys a complete package.'


Project-based education with multifunctional furniture

The community classrooms are where Fontys University provides project-based education, for which we supplied multifunctional furniture. The SCRUM tables can be moved with electrical support and are easily raised from a seated to a standing height. This allows you to quickly switch from giving instructions to working on projects and group assignments.' The students can also use the Gispen HUGG sofas for group work. 'These sofas form a secluded space and soften the acoustics of the room.'


What do you think of the result?

'Everyone has felt at home in their new building from day one. When I walked around campus on the first Monday, it was as if the students had always been there. The interior design has certainly contributed to this, which was 100% ready for use. A lot of hard work was put into achieving this by all our suppliers, who can look back with pride at what we have accomplished!'


Photography: Studio De Zwarte Kater

Bas de Jong   landscapem
Bas de Jong - Gispen account manager

A word from the specialist

'We have been working with Fontys University of Applied Sciences for numerous years, so we know exactly what to expect from each other. I know what the university expects when it comes to quality. We give each other constructive feedback and there is always time for a joke in between. In other words, a close and pleasant partnership. We celebrated the successful result by having a nice lunch together.

To me, the highlight of the project was how all the involved parties worked together and got things done. A close second would be the delivery of the many HUGG setups, which make quite an impact in the various rooms they are put in because of their colour schemes. It's a pleasant and inspiring environment for the students to study and spend time in.'

‘Project management was handled and delivered by Gispen with great care.'
Eline de Groot Housing project manager, Fontys University of Applied Sciences
portrait of klantfoto fontys
Eline de Groot - housing project manager, Fontys University of Applied Sciences

A word from the client

'As soon as the sites were put to use, the students and staff felt right at home there. That is, basically, the best compliment we could get. And those from Gispen who were involved in the project contributed to this. What they delivered really lives up to what they promised in terms of quality. We know what to expect from Gispen and that they will always deliver. We have a long-term partnership with Gispen and we know what to expect from each other. Gispen also knows the pressure that is often involved in education. If something is not available, for example, they will help find a temporary solution. There is also no lack of afterservice. Gispen can be proud of this project.'

Brightlands Center Court   landscapem


Realise your circular ambitions with furniture from Gispen. We will be happy to offer advice.

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