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Do you work from home on a regular basis? We are happy to assist you in optimising your home office, applying the same expertise we normally use for creating optimal office environments. Making sure you can work from home as comfortably and ergonomically as at the office. 


Tip 1: Adopting an ergonomic posture

Try to match your seat height with that of your desk or tabletop. This is quite easy to do if you have a proper office chair. Watch the instruction video with Egbert for step-by-step instructions. Would you like to find the ideal office chair for you? Read this blog and be inspired. Are you using a non-adjustable chair? Use a cushion to adjust your seat height, if needed. This will prevent a stiff neck or strained shoulders.


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Tip 2: Keeping in motion

A Teams of Zoom meeting. Making some phone calls. Focussing on a task. Time flies when you're caught up in work. Try to keep moving in between tasks to prevent health issues from arising. It is actually quite simple: get a cup of coffee (or bring your roommate one), walk up and down the stairs, or the other way around. You can also use a break reminder app on your computer and stretch a little every now and again. Who knows, you could even take that phone call while on the move. A breath of fresh air renews your energy. Moreover, a sit-stand workstation will guarantee variation and movement.

Tip 3: Limit distractions for as far as possible

If possible, set up your workstation in a separate room and make it cosy or very serene - whatever works for you. The occasional cat walking past the screen or a child asking a question; we all know it can happen during an online meeting. Set some ground rules with those who are also at home, so that you are not constantly interrupted.



Gispen SteelTop workstation with Mirra office chair with view in living room for Gispen Huiswerk campaign
Divide, Berlage, TableSofa   landscapem

Tip 4: Emerge into (day)light

It would be ideal to install your workstation in a room with lots of daylight. Place your table or desk at a 90 degree angle to the window in order to prevent reflection on your screen. If you don't have any windows in your home office because you are in the attic, for example, you should then make sure that the lighting is pleasant.

Tip 5: A breath of fresh air

It will be easier to keep focussed when your home office is provided with ample amounts of fresh air. Thus, don't crank up the heat too far and open a window every now and again, if possible. And to get a real breath of fresh air... go outside for a walk during your (lunch)break. Good luck!



Thuiswerkbureau, ZINN Smart NPR   landscapem

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